
FCTA 是一家公共交通机构,运营时间为周一至周五上午 8 点至下午 4 点。以及其他先前安排的次。

AWARD WINNER: Each year in December, FCTA employees are given a blank ballot and asked to write down which of their peers should be named FCTA Employee of the Year.
This year's recipient, dressed as his favorite Christmas character, is Driver/Driver Trainer Gary Miller. Presenting him with a certificate signifying his win and a $50 gift card, are FCTA Deputy Director Kristin Grooms and FCTA Executive Director Kevin Kelley.

FCTA 于 1985 年根据富尔顿县财政法院通过的决议实施 肯塔基州 1 区交通系统的运营。首次正式 FCTA 旅行 开始于 1985 年 2 月 19 日。该机构在董事会的监督和控制下运作。
董事由富尔顿县法官执行官任命。该管理机构还监督 建筑物设施、车辆和设备的状况。